Masterplan – Prezi Next Template


If you’ve got a plan and you love it when it comes together… then you’re probably Hannibal Smith from the A-Team! Use this template to present your masterplan and show how you plan to achieve success! Prezi presentation template with a hand drawing to the screen with a red marker. Scattered sketch styled icons with your topic title in the middle. Present about making a business or marketing plan, or running a company. Template includes various demo elements like, timeline, introduction, map, team and image gallery. Replace all the demo content with your own and rearrange the layout of the template – all elements are movable separately, you can even delete the hand image and add your own background picture or color.


The presentation with an overview of the whole project sketch and includes a large red placeholder for your presentation title or keyword. This makes it instantly understandable what your presentation or research project is about. Analyse the different aspects with your topics and highlight important headlines with the red circle. The template also includes various hand drawn business related icons which you can move around or replace with more suitable for your topic, from the Prezi icons library. A multipurpose template that can be used for analysing a business problem or introducing an educational research project. So draw a line under the headline of your presentation and make it clear, that this topic is extremely important!!!