Speed Challenge – Prezi Next Template


Pedal to the metal? Looking for a speed related presentation template? A Prezi Next template with a blue speedometer background theme. Insert your presentation title or logo to the center and topics around it in an arc. A good presentation template for talking about the auto industry, racing, car sports, driving etc. Zoom into the topic circles and insert your own content. Use the demo placeholder content for getting started or replace with your own. Customize the colors of the topic circles to match your branding style.


The template features a blue gauge symbol with motion blur added to it, to simulate a motion and speed effect. There is also a large text placeholder in the middle for your presentation title and subtitle. Zoom into the circles around the gauge and present your content about driving or cars.

Ideas need to move fast, so make sure you don’t get a speeding ticket while creating your presentation! A good template for making a general presentation about the fast changes in the automotive industry: the revolution of electric cars and of course Tesla. Which technology will win: electric cars, diesel, petrol or nitrogen? Grab this Prezi template and enlighten the rest of us if you’re a car fanatic!